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  • Normal distribution: what means in numbers?

    Any process in which there are only random causes of variation follows a law of normal distribution. This condition that appears frequently in natural phenomena (hence it is called “normal”). When we evaluate what happens with a variable measured in a very large population, we find that these values form a bell shape. . .…

  • Economic incentives: real state transactions

    “People respond to incentives.” Steve Levitt A few months ago, I decided to sell my house. While, in theory, it is a straightforward task, it isn’t clear. I received a couple of evaluations with a difference between them of 25%: for some agents, my house values X, and for others, it values X + 25%…

  • Exploring the replies from a question in Twitter using Python and R

    One the most social phenomena in Twitter, are the open questions that anonymous users made to others. It is pretty common to see how simple questions like: What do you prefer: white wine or red white? What do you choose for your holiday: sea or mountain? passed by our timeline almost everyday, and in the…

  • Web scraping using Beautiful Soup & Python: Wikipedia (II)

    After executing my first test about how to use BeautifulSoup, the next step is trying to answer a question using information from different pages from Wikipedia, to check how easy it could solve a common issue. . Some questions that could be answered Are the inhabitants of the happiest cities in the world living in…

  • Web scraping using Beautiful Soup & Python: Wikipedia (I)

    While the presence of a challenging task creates chaos, the most straightforward approach to solve a problem is usually to make our best effort, as the well-known quotes say: the world belongs to those who dare to dream. So, I am here trying to understand without almost no time, how to use BeautifulSoup (and Python)…