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  • 5 Basic questions and answers about high dimensional data

    The main idea of this post is to answer what high dimensional data is, its main challenges at the moment to create a visualization and offer examples about the adequate plots for this kind of data. If you master this area and you want to explore some papers, you can check some of them in…

  • Mini proyecto: Como hacer analisis de datos sobre un pequeño negocio (en Español)

    Overview Si yo fuera dueño de una pequena empresa (Pyme) me gustaria poder analizar que dicen mis clientes acerca de mi negocio, cuales son los productos que mas y menos les gustan y cuales son sus quejas mas frecuentes. Si mi negocio fuera una cafeteria, me gustaria saber cual es el tipo de cafe que…

  • 4 papers about what companies want from data science projects

    Big data is evolving incredibly fast during the last years, and most of the companies are trying to implement data science projects with different complexity and variable results. . In this post I would like to explore some papers and articles about what companies want from data science projects, what are the main benefits from…

  • R Ladies Chicago | What We Learned at rstudio::conf 2019: Lightning Talks!

    In one of the most coldest weeks in the history of Chicago, the first meeting of the year for R Ladies Chicago took place at We Work. Before starting with all the material, I would like to say that it is a super fun, happy group and you can feel the good vibes in the…

  • Notes about Structuring ML projects (Part IV)

    If you didn’t have the chance to check the first part, the second part and the third part of my notes about the course Structuring Machine Learning projects, I encourage that you do that ASAP, but in any case you can check this fourth part of my notes. Mismatched training and dev/test set Training and testing…

  • Notes about Structuring ML projects – Coursera course (Part III)

    If you didn’t have the chance to check the first part and the second part of my notes about the course Structuring Machine Learning projects, I encourage that you do that ASAP, but in any case you can check this third part of my notes. . Error Analysis Carrying out error analysis To carry out error…

  • 5 papers about Project Management in Data Science

    In this post I would like to share a small review about 2 article and 3 papers with a lot of useful ideas about how to manage data science projects. . 1. Big Data and its technical challenges Content This paper is about the technical challenges exploring the potential benefits of Big Data. The most…

  • Notes about Structuring Machine Learning Projects by Andrew Ng (Part II)

    I am following the course “Structuring Machine learning projects” in Coursera, and I am sharing a brief summary, this is the initial summary about the first part of the course, and his is the second part. . General considerations: This second part of the week 1 is more complex than the initial set of talks,…

  • Notes about “Structuring Machine Learning Projects” by Andrew Ng (Part I)

    Are you interested in understand how to diagnose errors in a machine learning system, and
    be able to prioritize the most promising directions for reducing error?
    Do you want to understand complex ML settings and comparing to and/or surpassing human-level performance?

  • Is there a relationship between teacher salary and their student’s SAT scores?

    Among some of the amazing talks from Cognitive Systems Institute Group Speaker Series, one of the most wonderful is the talk made by Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel about “Teaching Data Science”. One of the examples presented by her was about the salary teachers and the relationship with the SAT.  In this very simple example, we can apply linear regression,…